Gary Sackett

~ Expressing Gratitude and Love ~

Tag: Sun

Positive Messages

Comfort Zone


I would like to take the time to say THANK YOU to all that post positive messages. I recently viewed some homecoming videos for soldiers and it zoomed me back in time when our son Tharon was crossing the oceans for our country. What makes it even more special is that he is comfortably sleeping in our spare bedroom visiting us from Illinois, transitioning to civilian life, making the salty tears of joy so sweet.

So easy to forget that these homecomings still happen, so easy to forget that many soldiers didn’t have love ones waiting for them and so easy to forget some tears were not for joy on their return.

My social commentary is simple. We, as a society, have become numb.

Thank you to those who stir the human emotions by example, daring to live outside the norm, beating your own drum, taking risks to do something greater. To those who Dream Big, Use Kind Words, Say I Love You, Say Please and Thank You, Being Grateful, Helping Others, Being Silly, Keeping Calm and Carrying On.

Have an Awesometastic day, week, month, year…Life

You Brighten My Day

You Brighten My Day by Gary Sackett

You Brighten My Day by Gary Sackett

Sun Gazing on the River

Sun Gazing on the River by Gary Sackett

Sun Gazing on the River by Gary Sackett